Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network
Whether we’re walking, biking, riding a bus or train, or driving, Coloradans want streets that are safe for everyone — and our state just allocated $30 million toward that goal.
On March 19, Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill dedicating an additional $30 million to Colorado’s Safer Main Streets and Revitalizing Main Streets programs. Funded projects will range from sidewalk and other pedestrian improvements, to upgraded safety at intersections and new paths that provide safer space for biking — all developments that CoPIRG has been advocating as part of our Transform Transportation campaign.
“Colorado’s downtown areas can be vibrant community centers, but people need to feel safe accessing them, no matter how they get there,” said CoPIRG Executive Director Danny Katz. “At some point, everyone is a pedestrian on a main street — grabbing food, accessing services, or enjoying the people and culture that makes Colorado so great.”
The bill was sponsored by state Sens. Rachel Zenzinger and Kevin Priola and state Reps. Leslie Herod and Tony Exum.
Photo: 21st-century transportation means making commonsense upgrades to the safety of our streets for pedestrians, bikers and drivers alike. Credit: Steven Good via Shutterstock
Aaron Colonnese
Former Content Creator, Editorial & Creative Team, The Public Interest Network