Toxic chemicals now found in ocean spray
One class of toxic chemicals, known as PFAS, have become so widespread that we even find them in ocean spray.
Home to diverse wildlife from the smallest krill to the biggest whale, our country’s oceans — and the ecosystems they support — are worth preserving for future generations.
One class of toxic chemicals, known as PFAS, have become so widespread that we even find them in ocean spray.
Californians from across the state brought the ocean to Sacramento with California Ocean Day.
During a contentious election year at the federal level, state and local governments have some of the best opportunities to make progress on issues that affect our environment, our health, and the quality of our lives.
Thousands from across the country call for conservation of New England's only strongly protected ocean refuge
With the health of the ocean under threat more than ever before, the need for action has never been greater. Marine protected areas must be a key part of that action.
New protections on critical habitat for threatened and endangered green sea turtles have been proposed. You can help make sure they pass.