Save the bees

We are working to save the bees - from asking Amazon to stop selling bee-killing pesticides to sharing bee-friendly garden tips - and you can help.

Bees play a crucial role in our lives. But as our society uses more pesticides, their populations are plummeting. Fortunately, we know how to help them: protecting already-existing bee habitat, expanding habitat by planting pollinator-friendly plants in our own gardens and on public lands, and ending the worst uses of the pesticides that are killing them. Together, we can save the bees.

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Did You Know?
Around the world, 75% of all food crops and a full 90% of all wild flowering plants rely on bees for pollination.

Learn more about the ways our world relies on bees.

The buzz about coffee and bees

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How to go on a bee walk
A woman and girl walk through a field of purple flowers.

Save the bees

How to go on a bee walk

A bee walk is a great way to get outside, gather friends and family for a walk to look for bees and learn ways you can protect them.

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Senior Director, Conservation America Campaign, Environment America



Senior Vice President, The Public Interest Network; Managing Director, Frontier Group