Unfortunately, we live in a very polarized society. Clean water doesn’t care if you’re a Republican, Democrat or Independent. Air pollution that causes asthma doesn’t care if you’re a Republican, Democrat or Independent.
Issues such as the environment and protecting consumers, which shouldn’t have any political basis, do these days. One of the things I love about The Public Interest Network is we’re transpartisan. When I think of transpartisan, I think of transcending partisanship. There are issues that in an ideal world where everything wasn’t politicized, we’d all be on the same page because they truly are in the public interest.
I love that we’re an organization that is results oriented. We are looking for solutions. And we are not going to demonize other people. Even though we may disagree with someone on nine out of ten issues — if we agree on one and we can get tangible accomplishments for our members, for our neighbors, for our families, for everyone for the public — then we’ve done our jobs and we’ve made the world a better place.